Tuesday, 15 February 2011

FigureEnergy graph display issue

I was quite excited to see my energy consumption at home after I installed the AlertMe mornitor 1 week ago. In addition, I can play some functions on the FE system to see how efficient that the system would offer.

Unfortunately things never come smoothly. I could not see my data displayed properly, and Gopal's data also went doubtfully crazy on some specific day (eg. 12 Feb 2011, that could be a "black" saturday)

I checked and tested the system yesterday for a while and discovered another extended issue of the "zero-gap". Basically the zero-datas not only appear at the end of the list of data, they also can be somewhere in the middle of the list. The previous algorithm couldn't recognise the "zero-gap" in the middle of the list. It considerer these data as the correct figures, then plot a graph with a very big value (e.g 4000KWh) while others figures were just about less than 1.00kWh). Therefore, this is why we could not see our energy consumption properly.

For example, here is the list of the data sent from AlertMe server.

4278.4315699999997, 4278.4370399999998, 4278.4470700000002, 4278.4553900000001, 4278.4636700000001, 4278.4834700000001, 4278.4988199999998, 4278.5049799999997, 4278.51944, 4278.5346499999996, 4278.55033, 4278.5656600000002, 4278.5823700000001, 4278.5986599999997, 4278.6212800000003, 4278.6316999999999, 4278.6432000000004, 4278.6551799999997, 4278.6613900000002, 4278.6729100000002, 4278.6819299999997, 4278.68833, 4278.7007599999997, 4278.7067299999999, 4278.71425, 4278.7236899999998, 4278.7337299999999, 4278.7407700000003, 4278.7488199999998, 4278.7586199999996, 4278.7705699999997, 4278.7825599999996, 4278.79259, 4278.8002399999996, 4278.8098, 4278.8203299999996, 4278.8247000000001, 4278.8328199999996, 4278.8436799999999, 4278.8563700000004, 4278.8657000000003, 4278.8771100000004, 4278.8879900000002, 4278.8969999999999, 4278.9125599999998, 4278.9224400000003, 4278.9297399999996, 4278.9374799999996, 4278.9458699999996, 4278.9558999999999, 4278.9677000000001, 4278.9782500000001, 4278.9891600000001, 4278.9983599999996, 4279.0078800000001, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, 4279.05818, 4279.0842400000001, 4279.1054700000004, 4279.1269400000001, 4279.1490599999997, 4279.1737499999999, 4279.1917999999996, 4279.1986900000002, 4279.2098100000003, 4279.2206100000003, 4279.2332999999999, 4279.2441500000004, 4279.2527, 4279.2607699999999, 4279.2696500000002, 4279.28089, 4279.2927, 4279.3469599999999, 4279.3998799999999, 4279.4663200000005, 4279.4920899999997, 4279.5146100000002, 4279.5361599999997, 4279.5591000000004, 4279.5814200000004, 4279.6039700000001, 4279.6254200000003,

I have just fixed these issues and do some more testing on the real data, so far so good.

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